Biting Dust
May 2023
Set in the aftermath of a devastating wolf attack, the film follows a cowboy’s anger and the destructive consequences that stem from it.
2D Animated Short Film - Drama
"Biting Dust" is the BFA thesis film I worked on as Story Lead.
Biting Dust Act 3 Animatic
Animatic version of the Biting Dust Act 3 Storyboards in my storyboard portfolio.
Action / Drama
Once he awakes after tumbling down the cliff, the cowboy reencounters the wolf that wounded his wife. In a fit of rage he lunges towards it— but quickly realizes that his path to revenge had only brought him to his downfall.
Early exploration - Beat Boards
I’ll Rest When I’m Dead
December 2020
2D Animated Short Film - Comedy
This was a solo short film where I did everything from writing, boarding, coloring, to animating.